Revisiting “Strange Little Secret” (AKA The Doomsday Song)
[Photo Credit: Scott Rodgerson]
I remember writing the song, “Strange Little Secret” after watching some TV shows about people quietly ‘Doomsday Prepping’. These doomsday ‘preppers’ all looked like fairly normal people - doctors, shopkeepers, accountants - yet they had this strange little secret of preparing themselves for some kind of doomsday scenario.
I was greatly impressed with their underground bunkers, filled with canned goods, bunk beds and unplumbed toilet facilities. A camouflaged steel door would open to a ladder descending into the darkness below the perfectly manicured lawn of their suburban residence (I wondered what the local council regulations were surrounding a doomsday bunker in the backyard). Others would have heavy defence systems in place which almost looked like a scene out of Mad Max.
Each ‘prepper’ was asked the question, “What disaster are you preparing for?” and would answer with their particular feared day of doomsday scenario...
“I’m preparing for a global financial crisis with rioting in the streets!” would say one stay-at-home mother whilst dehydrating pineapples.
“I’m getting ready for a nuclear explosion by terrorists!” said a long-haul truck driver at his local gun shop.
“My bunker is designed to protect us from a global pandemic!” professed an orthodontist.
I was fascinated with their mindset and determination. My fascinations usually lead to me creating a song or two, and so I found myself writing about their outlandish fears - surely nothing would happen like they had described!
And then, these many months later, I suddenly couldn’t find any toilet paper on the shelves of my local grocery store. Recently a family-member bought me a face mask so I would be allowed into my favourite Mexican restaurant. And the other day I saw a special ‘Doomsday Bunker’ construction company being advertised on TV.
It has dawned on me that we are living in some very interesting times which now make this song not so outlandish after all.
Apart from unwittingly writing a theme-song for doomsday prepping, I do find myself reluctant to crawl into a bunker to await repopulating a new world after the danger has passed. Instead, I’m embracing kindness as much as possible, to look after the weak and vulnerable. A wise saying is “Perfect love drives out fear.” Focusing on love and living out of that love means that fear of what might happen is greatly diminished.
And just as love drives out fear, I also believe that showing kindness to others connects us all and drives out loneliness.
So now is a time to be kind and to embrace love. Unless you have a doomsday bunker.
From my previous post about “Strange Little Secret”:
“As far as the recording process for the song, once again I brought the elements of the song to producer Rick Price and explained the meaning of the song. Before I knew it, Rick had grabbed a guitar and was dancing around the room, inhabiting the great feel that the song now presents. We added a farfiza organ track by Jimmy Wallace and a truly amazing guitar track by two-time CMA guitarist of the year Rob McNelley. The most fun was in laying down the backing vocal parts with Rick Price and vocal powerhouse Kristen Rogers.”
Strange Little Secret
It’s a strange little secret and how ya gonna keep it
I got a funny feeling, you’re gonna be reeling, any day now
Chorus 1:
It’s a strange little secret and how ya gonna keep it
I got a funny feeling, you’re gonna be reeling, any day now
It’s a strange little heartache, for there’s gonna be an outbreak
So gather up your children, it’s time for redemption
Any day now
Verse 1:
Where you go when the darkness falls
When the evening calls you away
There’s a look there within your eyes
It’ll be a big surprise, come the day
Chorus 2:
It’s a strange little secret and how ya gonna keep it
I got a funny feeling, you’re gonna be reeling, any day now
It’s a strange little story, your guns and your glory
The sky’s getting dark, better run for your hideout
Any day now
Verse 2:
What’s the word, is it in the skies
When the butterflies are no more
When will you run to that hiding place
Where your treasure waits for your day of doom
I got a funny feeling, you’re gonna be reeling, any day now
I got a funny feeling, you’re gonna be reeling, any day now…
It’s a strange little secret
Words and Music by David Willersdorf
© 2018 David Willersdorf / Whistletone