Read the latest news, David’s FUNNY tour tale recollections, song lyrics and discover the journey David has taken in writing many of his songs.
Song Highlight: “Helped Me to Stand”
This month’s music highlight is David Willersdorf’s uplifting song, “Helped Me to Stand”, recorded on David Willersdorf’s “Outside the Inside” album in Nashville. Click through to hear the full song and to read the lyrics. [Photo Credit: Tim Foster]
Song Highlight: “We Just Gotta Be (Grateful)”
This month’s song highlight is David Willersdorf’s most requested song, “We Just Gotta Be (Grateful)”, recorded on David’s “Outside the Inside” album in Nashville. Click through to hear the song and to read the lyrics. [Photo Credit: Jordan Wozniak]
Revisiting “Strange Little Secret” (AKA The Doomsday Song)
I realised that my song, “Strange Little Secret” is a little more prophetic than I would have liked. [Photo Credit: Scott Rodgerson]
Song Highlight: “You Came and Found Me”
This month’s song highlight is “You Came and Found Me”, featured on David Willersdorf’s “Outside the Inside” album, recorded in Nashville. Click through to hear the full song and to read the lyrics. [Photo Credit: Sara Kurfeß]
Song Highlight: “So How Do I Tell You Goodbye”
This month’s song highlight is “So How Do I Tell You Goodbye”, featured on David Willersdorf’s “Outside the Inside” album, recorded in Nashville. Click through to hear the song and to read the lyrics (plus bonus photos). [Photo Credit: Pavan Trikutam]
The Most Gracious of Hosts
Throughout my extensive music career, I’ve stayed with many people over many years, most of whom I haven’t broken… until now. [Photo Credit: Tanner Boriack]
Wide-Eyed in Nashville
My first trip to Nashville as a twenty-something year-old involved me surviving poor luggage choices, tiny cars and a brutal fuel fiasco. [Photo Credit: Tanner Boriack]
Song Highlight: “Strange Little Secret”
This month’s song highlight is “Strange Little Secret”, featured on David Willersdorf’s “Outside the Inside” album, recorded in Nashville. Click through to hear the full song and to read the lyrics. [Photo Credit: Tom Swinnen]
Song Lyrics: “Wild Ride”
“…I wrote the song just as I was getting ready to head over to record ‘Fire This Love’ album in Nashville. Recording the album was completely a left turn for me, so the lyrics encapsulated what I felt at the time - that I was leaving the comfort zone and jumping out on a wild adventure.“ [Photo Credit: Vladimir Vujeva]
An Accidental Break-in
“A few minutes passed and I saw a shadow move near the glass door. It was a musician-slash-engineer-looking gentleman who pushed the door open, saw me there and immediately shouted, "What are you doing here?" It was hardly the greeting I would have anticipated.“
When you go through the wrong door at the wrong time. It happened to me. [Photo Credit: Jose Fontano]
Song Lyrics: “Tell It To The Sky”
“The idea of the line ‘Tell It To The Sky’ came about when I overheard my Mum talking to my Dad about the weather and asking if it was going to rain - Mum had been caught out a few times hanging some clothes out to dry on the clothesline. Dad didn’t think that it was going to rain and gave Mum the all clear. I distinctly remember my Mum gesturing towards a slightly greyish sky and uttering the words, ‘Tell It To The Sky’. I wrote down those words and the song basically wrote itself from there.” David Willersdorf [Photo Credit: Pierre Van Crombrugghe]
Song Lyrics: “Lifeboat”
“I wrote the song ‘Lifeboat’ after reading a number of accounts of people who had been lost at sea. Some were simply sailing along and a freak wave came out of the darkness and left them treading water far from home, not sure of their fate. I read stories of great heroism and the triumph of the human spirit. The stories and accounts really resonated with me on many levels.” [Photo Credit: Ivana Cajina]
Song Lyrics: “Waiting For Love”
‘Waiting for Love’ was recorded as part of David Willersdorf’s ‘Fire This Love’ album which he recorded with producer Rick Price in Nashville. Click through to check out the lyrics and hear some of the song audio. [Photo Credit: Jess Bailey Designs]
Song Lyrics: “All o’ Me”
‘All o Me’ was recorded as part of David Willersdorf’s ‘Fire This Love’ album which he recorded with producer Rick Price in Sputnik Sounds studios in East Nashville. Click through to check out the lyrics, some audio and how David wrote and recorded the song. [Photo Credit: Sara Kurfeẞ]
Song Lyrics: “All This Time”
‘All This Time’ was recorded as part of David Willersdorf’s ‘Fire This Love’ album which he recorded with producer Rick Price in Sputnik Sounds studios in East Nashville. ‘Fire This Love’ marked a new musical season with David recording songs outside his previous genre. [Photo Credit: Jon Tyson]