Read the latest news, David’s FUNNY tour tale recollections, song lyrics and discover the journey David has taken in writing many of his songs.

The Most Gracious of Hosts
Throughout my extensive music career, I’ve stayed with many people over many years, most of whom I haven’t broken… until now. [Photo Credit: Tanner Boriack]

Wide-Eyed in Nashville
My first trip to Nashville as a twenty-something year-old involved me surviving poor luggage choices, tiny cars and a brutal fuel fiasco. [Photo Credit: Tanner Boriack]

Song Highlight: “Strange Little Secret”
This month’s song highlight is “Strange Little Secret”, featured on David Willersdorf’s “Outside the Inside” album, recorded in Nashville. Click through to hear the full song and to read the lyrics. [Photo Credit: Tom Swinnen]

Song Highlight: “Survivin’”
This month’s song highlight is “Survivin’”, featured on David Willersdorf’s “Outside the Inside” album, recorded in Nashville. Click through to hear the partial song and to read the lyrics. [Photo Credit: Spencer Watson]

The Six-Week Tour That Kept On Giving
A vehicle malfunction, a hospital stay, a burger-joint fight and more - the six-week concert tour that just kept on giving. [Photo Credit: David Willersdorf]

Photos: A Little Gig at Cup From Above
On a stormy night, we moved the big car park gig into the tiny indoor space. Photographer Todd Boniface captured the moment.

The Puddle (Which Was No Puddle)
As I stood there contemplating my next move, I saw lights making their way toward me. It was a police car. Somehow the police had been driving up the highway and had seen the hazard lights flashing on the back of my car... They were curious. [Photo Credit: Ehad Neuhaus]

Song Highlight: “Outside Yourself”
“‘Outside Yourself’ was a song I wrote on guitar, rather than piano. It just seemed to write itself from the chords I was playing. I love the thought of paying kindnesses forward into the lives of people around us…” [Photo Credit: Caleb Evans]

Song Lyrics: “Broken Bread”
“During the recording process we had Doug Lancio come in to play a lead electric guitar part for the song and I remember it sounding so perfect at the time that I glanced over to producer Rick Price and we both just sat there nodding.” [Photo Credit: Geetanjal Khanna]

The Jump
When I was invited skydiving, I jumped in with both feet. A meteor hurtling to earth would have shown more grace than my skydiving experience, which still leaves hidden physical scars. [Photo Credit: Sean Mungor]

Song Lyrics: “Wild Ride”
“…I wrote the song just as I was getting ready to head over to record ‘Fire This Love’ album in Nashville. Recording the album was completely a left turn for me, so the lyrics encapsulated what I felt at the time - that I was leaving the comfort zone and jumping out on a wild adventure.“ [Photo Credit: Vladimir Vujeva]

When All That Glitters Is Not Gold
“I can't remember if I lost consciousness at that point, or if my brain simply ran out of oxygen because of the uninterrupted length of my primal scream. What I did know was that that particular moment changed me neurologically...” [Photo Credit: Ashton Mullins]

Song Lyrics: “When I Loved Somebody Like You”
“I wrote ‘When I Loved Somebody Like You’ about the baggage of good and bad memories that we carry out of our relationships moving forward into our lives.” [Photo Credit: Erwan Hesry]

An Accidental Break-in
“A few minutes passed and I saw a shadow move near the glass door. It was a musician-slash-engineer-looking gentleman who pushed the door open, saw me there and immediately shouted, "What are you doing here?" It was hardly the greeting I would have anticipated.“
When you go through the wrong door at the wrong time. It happened to me. [Photo Credit: Jose Fontano]

Song Lyrics: “Lights”
“I wrote the song ‘Lights’ about how we can cheer for those we love and put their names up in the lights of our hearts and lives,” writes David Willersdorf. “It’s a bright, upbeat and cheerful song, and I love singing it live.” [Photo Credit: Gian D.]

Photos: Karen Woo Photoshoot
See the photos from David’s photoshoot with photographer Karen Woo.

Photos: Recording The Sound of Heaven
Photographer Erin Modlin captured some of the behind the scenes moments during the recording and filming of David Willersdorf’s classic album, The Sound of Heaven. [Photo credit: Erin Modlin]
The Christmas Carols
The pianist started to play. The choir started to sing. As soon as I heard the piano sound, I knew that something wasn’t right. I couldn’t see the face of the pianist from behind the stage, however, I could see the tension in her shoulders and feel the apprehension radiating from her. [Photo Credit: Anthony Skerman]

Song Lyrics: “Fire This Love”
“I found myself writing ‘Fire This Love’ about a rich, robust love that can handle all that life throws at it… The song was a lot of fun to record and it’s one of my favourite songs to perform live with it’s sultry yet joyous lyrics and big singalong ending.” [Photo Credit: Kyle Peyton]

The Shopping Centre
When my new album is played at the local shopping centre, everyone wins. [Photo Credit: Fikri Rasyid]